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Seeing is believing: imaging the molecular processes of life

The Seeing is Believing conference, is a hybrid meeting organised by EMBO \ EMBL, and will take place at EMBL Heidelberg, with the option to attend virtually.


The symposium will bring together the leading developers of imaging methods with cutting-edge applications that illustrate how imaging can answer biological questions. They will emphasise methods that can capture the dynamics of life, spanning the whole range from molecular resolution to imaging of whole organisms.

The symposium provides many opportunities for presentations, discussions, and interactions between students, postdocs, junior, and senior investigators.

Session topics

Dynamic super-resolution imaging
New approaches in imaging
Probes & biosensors
Organismal and intravital imaging
Cross-scale imaging
Image analysis & modelling

View more information about the Seeing is Believing conference.


EMBO Symposium - Seeing is Believing

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