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SIH Medium

SIH Medium

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SIH0103$1,532.766 x 1kg

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SIH medium, developed by Hanh, Friehs and Flaschel (2004), is the next step in the development of synthetic media designed to grow D. discoideum in high cell densities.

SIH medium is an improved version of FM medium, as developed by Frank and Kessin (1977).

The main difference between SIH and FM is the novel addition of Aspartic acid (1.1 mM) and increased levels of Lysine (8.5 mM) and Tryptophane (1.7 mM). Concentrations of Cysteine, Glutamic acid, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine are slightly increased as well in SIH.

The alterations in amino acid formulation of SIH medium resulted in a more even and better amino acid utilisation. Cell density of D. discoideum rose up to levels in excess of 5 x 107 cells compared to FM medium with cell density levels of 3 x 107.

Improvement of a synthetic medium for Dictyostelium discoideum,
Sang-In Han, Karl Friehs and Erwin Flaschel,
Process Biochemistry, 39 (8), 925 – 930, 2004.

Cultivation of Dictostelium discoideum on an improved synthetic medium in a conventional bioreactor.
Sang-In Han, Karl Friehs and Erwin Flaschel,
Process Biochemistry, 39, 585 – 589, 2004.


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Amino Acids  
Arg 700
Asp 300
Asp A 150
Cys 300
GluA 545
Gly 900
His 300
Ile 600
Leu 900
Lys 1250
Met 350
Phe 550
Pro 800
Thr 500
Trp 350
Val 700
Biotin 0.02
Cyanocobalamin 0.01
Folic Acid 0.2
Lipoic Acid 0.4
Riboflavin 0.5
Thiamine 0.6
Micro Elements  
Na2EDTA.2H2O 4.84
ZnSO4 2.3
H3BO3 1.11
MnCl2.4H2O 0.51
CoCl2.6H2O 0.17
CuSO4.5H2O 0.15
(NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O 0.1
NH4Cl 53.5
CaCl2.2H2O 2.94
FeCl3 16.2
MgCl2.6H2O 81.32
KH2PO4 870
Carbon Source  
Glucose 10000
Total 20326

Suspend 20.3 gram powdered medium in 1 litre distilled water
Store dry at room temperature.

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