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Product Dating/Expiry Information

Product Dating Information Statement

Formedium Ltd is committed to providing material that meets our customer’s requirements.  This commitment is demonstrated by the establishment of programs to monitor, preserve and protect the quality of our products. We document the Quality Release Date, that is, the point in time when analytical data has been reviewed as confirming compliance with product description, specification and lot uniformity, for all products.   For those materials where shelf life information is a requirement, expiration and retest periods are available at the batch level.  When dating is indicated by month and year only, the product is expected to meet specifications until the last day of the month.

Recommended Retest Dated Products

The Recommended Retest Date is the end of a period of time during which the batch is expected to remain within established specifications if stored under Formedium Ltd’s defined conditions.  The Retest Period has been established by review of the product’s or a comparable product’s history.  The Recommended Retest Date for individual lots may be extended subject to quality review.   If extended, a new Date Retested and Recommended Retest Date will be published on the Certificate of Analysis.  If Formedium Ltd does not retest a lot in question, we recommend that customers evaluate the product to ensure that it still matches their needed specifications.  Recommended Retest Dates on our Certificate of Analysis are valid only if the product is stored under Formedium Ltd’s defined conditions and the container has remained unopened with original tamper evident seal still intact.

Expiration Dated Products

Products in the Expiration Date Program will have an Expiration Date printed on the Certificate of Analysis.  This date assigns the time frame during which the batch is expected to remain within established specifications if stored under Formedium Ltd’s defined conditions.  The batch should not be used after this date.
Expiration Dates on our Certificates of Analysis are valid only if the product is stored under Formedium Ltd’s defined conditions and the container has remained unopened with original tamper evident seal still intact.

Products with no Retest or Expiration Date

A number of Formedium Ltd products are not included in either of the above programs as there is no indication to conclude they are unstable.  Formedium Ltd suggests following industry and laboratory practices of using products with no expiration date or retest dates within 5 years of opening.  These products should be routinely inspected to ensure they perform as expected.

Customer Inspection

Within our Terms and Conditions of supply, product dating, or lack thereof, does not release a customer from proper inspections when receiving goods, and does not warrant fitness of a product for any particular use.
If you have any additional questions regarding Formedium Ltd’s Product Dating/Expiry Information, please contact us using any method from our ‘Contact Us’ page.

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