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Microbiology 2023: from single cell to microbiome and host

Microbiology 2023: from single cell to microbiome and host is an interacademy conference on molecular microbiology is organized by Profs. Pascale Cossart, Jörg Hacker, David Holden, Staffan Normark, and Jörg Vogel, on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Germany), the Académie des sciences (France), the Royal Society (UK), and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Sweden).

The conference will be hosted by the University of Würzburg and supported by the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) Würzburg and the Krupp Foundation. The 2-day conference is the sequel to several successful and exceptionally well-attended Interacademy meetings on the topic that were held in Paris (2014) and London (2016).

Conference Schedule

Start on Wednesday afternoon (Sept 20th)
Four main sessions including 22 outstanding international speakers (listed opposite)
Poster session on Wednesday night
Conference dinner at the Würzburg Residence on Thursday night
End on Friday noon (Sept 22nd)

Attendees must be registered by August 31st. Click here to register or for more information on the conference click here.

Microbiology 2023 Conference Wurzburg, Germany

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