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Environmental Policy

Formedium Ltd recognises that in matters of the environment, health & safety, as well as technical matters, the process of improvement is continuous.  The search for higher quality standards in all activities is treated with the highest importance.
Formedium Ltd conducts its business responsibly and in a manner designed to protect the health & safety of its employees, customers and the public.  It also seeks to reduce the impact of its activities on the environment.  We believe that good environmental health & safety performance is an essential part of competent and profitable business management.  To that end, Formedium Ltd is committed to continuous improvement of that performance.
All of our customers and suppliers are involved in Health & Safety and some have certified Environmental Management Systems (EMS), or are developing them.
Formedium Ltd will as a matter of policy:

  • Comply, as a minimum, with all applicable laws and regulations related to environmental health & safety and observing all relevant codes of practice.
  • Routinely review operations to make environment, health & safety improvements beyond those legally required where such improvements provide significant environment, health & safety benefits at reasonable cost.
  • Determine that each product can be made, used, handled and disposed of safely and in a manner which does not present an unacceptable risk to human health & safety and to the environment.
  • Develop an annual plan which highlights key tasks for the organisation.

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2024 ISO 9001: 2015 AccreditationISO 14001:2015 Certicate - Quality in Environment and Sustainability

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Name & Registered Office: Formedium Ltd. Norfolk House, 24 Market Place, Swaffham, Norfolk, England, PE37 7QH Registered in England and Wales. Company No. 04351225. VAT No. GB 803727440

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