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2022 Cell Cycle Conference Meeting

The next virtual Cell Cycle Club (CCC) meeting will be on Wednesday, February 23, starting 3pm GMT to allow global participation (7:00am PST, 10am EST, 4pm CEST, 11pm JST). Thomas Helleday, Professor in Chemical Biology from the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, is the keynote speaker, in addition to three short talks selected from abstracts submitted.

Participation is free, however, registration is required. It is important to register early to avoid  missing out! This complimentary half-day meeting is courtesy of Abcam.

Aims of the event:
* Encourage plenty of discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.
* Inspire new collaborations and investigations.
* Provide a unique opportunity for students and post-docs to participate and present new and excited unpublished data.

What you can expect from the event:
* Three talks on exciting new research in the cell cycle field.
* A one-hour seminar from Professor Thomas Helleday, (Karolinska Institute, Sweden).
* Two 30-minute breakout sessions for anyone to present their work and get feedback from the cell cycle community.

Register here.

A limited number of speaking opportunities are available at this event. Visit the event website for guidelines on submitting your short abstract.
Short talk abstract deadline has been extended to January 28, 2022.
Breakout abstract deadline: February 4, 2022.


Abcam and EMBO cell cycle meeting in 2022

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